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Specializing in California CCW Courses

California CCW 

OBergfell Specialties

To obtain a California CCW License, you must first fill out a CCW application and submit it to the Issuing Agency (Police Chief or County Sheriff) of the jurisdiction in which you reside. If you live within the city limits, you have the choice of applying through the City Police Department or the County Sheriff's Department. You can obtain the application by downloading the application from their specific website or in person by going to the Police Station. Each Issuing Agency has their specific instructions which must be followed before returning the application for submission and review. Stay connected for 2024 updates.

**Attention: SB2 was implemented 1/1/24. All classes double in time and expense

Once you've submitted your CCW Application, what will determine whether or not you get approved is the decision of the agency of record. (In 2022 The Supreme Court struck down the requirement for a "Just cause" reason and this is fully supported by all Kern County agency's! Once approved, you will be notified by mail or phone. You will then have 90 days to take and successfully pass the 16-Hour Initial CCW Course.

Do not take the 16-Hour Initial CCW Course before submitting your CCW Application unless specifically directed to by your Issuing Agency. Submit then wait a couple weeks to sign up. Paperwork is taking longer due to SB2.

California CCW's are valid for 2 years and a Refresher Course must be taken in order to renew your CCW. The Refresher Course is a minimum 8-Hour class/range and may be taken up to 60 days before your CCW License expires. Failure to renew before the expiration date of your CCW License will result in losing your ability to legally carry concealed and you will have to start the process from the beginning and reapply. In essence, you will lose your CCW License and must start the process all over again including resubmitting your CCW Application, having to retake the 16-Hour Initial Course, etc. You can find out more information here: http://www.kernsheriff.org/licensing.aspx